The Great Balancing Act

Between work, kids, school, trying to expand your business, or whatever you are in the process of balancing, please don’t neglect yourself. This is very common with women in contemporary society. There are pressures to be the great mom who shows up to all the PTA meetings, the all-star wife who cooks the best meals, and the woman with the booming business that is skyrocketing towards success. Just make sure you have time solely for yourself, so you don’t feel like you are carrying the weight of your world all alone.

Take time out of your busy schedules, as often as you see fit to feed your souls. Whether if that is volunteering, practicing a religion, exercising, or literally doing nothing but watching our favorite movies in your bed all day; take time to do things that make you genuinely happy. You can do this without feeling guilty, and doing this does not make you selfish. Doing this means you care about yourself just as much as you love your business, your husband, or your kids. If you have been feeling worn out, taking this break can also help optimize your performance in work and being more present around your loved ones because you took time to decompress and clear your mind.

I suggest, that you sit down with yourself at the beginning of the week and schedule everything you have to do for the week. Include everything you have to do, whether that be work related, visiting your mom, or walking the dog. Each day you would be living that day ready, and not feeling overwhelmed with what is ahead of you. You can spend less time about thinking what needs to be done, and doing it. 

The thing is you can “have it all” but having it all comes with great sacrifices. Everyone is different, and you have to decide what is most important to you and model your life after it. 

-A journal excerpt from 11/18/16


Shifting Dreams


Robbed of Vision