Robbed of Vision

Being able to see is something I never think about, because I have always been able to do it. It is something that I do appreciate, especially after reading this essay. I can honestly say if I did not have the ability to see I would not want to live.  To some this could be really dramatic , but being able to see and then having that taken away from me would be something I could not bare. Starting off blind would be different because I would not have known anything else, and I would have taken it for what it was.

I believe sight is so imperative to living. It dictates where we go or want to go, the people we interact with, and the way we feel about something or someone. Our eyes judge and assess things before our mind or other senses are able to. 

Even though everyone has eyes, everyone sees differently. Some people can look at something and interpret it completely differently than another person. In one part of the essay I read, it stated that the lover can see, and the knowledgeable. I thought this was an intriguing statement, because these are two types of people are usually completely different personality types. The knowledgeable will be looking at life with factual eyes. Everything they would see would be literal and lackluster. The lover will see things colorfully and full of flair. They would  always see the good and beauty of things, but not everything for what it truly is. This is common a thing a person that is categorized as a lover does, they see the good in their significant other and block out the bad.

Sight is beyond important to me, but I love when the essay stated “you do not see the name of things but the description-what they look like.” This made me think differently, because people would say they see the park, but really they see a landmark that is full of lush grass, flowers, historical stone landmarks, and fountains full of water. In my opinion it’s unfortunate that people do not talk like that, because talking to people would be much more fun.

I just really started to think that people just zip through life caught up in their daily routine and blind to the fact there is so much going on around them. It’s life, nature, and much more beautiful things around them. All people have to do is take a breath, pause, and really open their eyes.

- A journal excerpt from 9/23/14


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