Press(ed) on Both Sides

Working in Public Relations and also working on gaining press for my novel has been a bit harder than I originally anticipated.

I have my usual days, M-F working in client services assisting clients draft press releases and put together media lists. After work, I take a breather and then I am researching publications I can pitch to, emailing journalists, and finding out as much information as I can about the publishing industry. I work in press, I’m trying to get press, and it can often leave me feeling pressed.

I’m currently in the process of brining on a publicist, and I am excited to say the least. She will be taking care of press from here on out. Even though I have a background in PR and have landed myself in the media doesn’t mean I want to continue making this a one woman show. Building a team of people that are creative, trustworthy, and well connected is something I am looking forward to not just to take certain responsibilities off my plate but to collaborate and reach my outlined goals.

I went to school for PR and it is the industry I work in, publishing is an entirely different ballpark and I am willing to learn the rules of the game. I always saw myself as being multifaceted, and this is a way for me to shift into something new and exciting. You’d think that since I am now an author, I’m already in the field but I want to be more than just in it. I want to win.

In my personal life, well there are always some pressing issues and I do my best to maneuver around them but that’s life. Getting things to ease up where I can, and taking care of myself from the inside out is my main focus. If I don’t do that, then I can’t do anything else, and I plan on doing much more. Finding the right pace through it all will calm down the madness, and the feelings of being overwhelmed will subside. I’m looking forward to what the future holds.

Stay tuned!


Persistently Pivoting


What A Year…